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Information Architecture (IA) — 2017

Regione Toscana

This was a large-scale project completed in a very short timeframe, coordinated and executed by multiple companies and professionals. The result was a collaborative effort where I played a central role in Information Architecture while also collaborating with and coordinating the Art Director on UX and UI design. My focus was on ensuring adherence to best practices and compliance with relevant standards and regulations.

The project was developed in response to a public tender for the design and management of institutional websites for the Tuscany Region. This included the Regional Council, Regional Departments, agencies, employment offices, Tuscan healthcare services, and other local entities within the region.

We created a modular template system, structured on a matrix that defined a clear hierarchy and varying levels of complexity. This approach was rooted in Human-Centered Design, starting with content and activities to reorganize and redefine the connections and interactions of these sites according to their multiple criteria.

As a result, we developed four specific templates tailored to the needs of different regional entities, allowing them to manage, customize, and populate their individual websites efficiently.

Regione Toscana

Regional department of Tuscany principal site

Open Toscana

Regional portal of services for Tuscany‘s department

Rete Telematica Regionale Toscana

Regional portal of telematic services for Tuscany‘s department 

Toscana Notizie

Regional newspaper for editorial Tuscany‘s department

Agricoltura Sociale

Thematic blog of agriculture and environment in Tuscany


The geographic information blog of Tuscany

Ufficio relazioni con il pubblico

Regional portal of the public relations office of Tuscany department